Our Passion

About Us

Welcome to Kids Therapy, where we pride ourselves on providing a truly caring and exceptional experience for children with autism and related disorders. Our dedicated team of talented ABA Professionals. We focus on fostering a warm and welcoming environment that feels just like home. Throughout the entire journey, our compassionate staff supports families on this roller coaster ride after diagnosis, making every day a little brighter with the love and care we pour into every aspect of our center.

Mission Statement

What is ABA to Us?

Founded in 2015, our mission is to guide children as they grow, bridging the gap between them, their families, and the community. Our integrated structured ABA therapy program, personalized by our BCBAs and delivered by our well trained RBTs, Which enhances developmental skills, helps children realize their potential, and offers a welcoming space where families can find support throughout their journey with autism. Together, we make every day a little brighter.

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Our Treatment Philosophy

Understanding ABA Therapy:

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientifically proven approach that focuses on understanding and modifying behavior to promote positive outcomes in individuals with developmental challenges, such as autism and related disorders. ABA is based on the principles of learning and behavior, aiming to reinforce desired behaviors while reducing challenging ones.

Data-Driven Techniques: 

Data is the backbone of ABA therapy, enabling our talented Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) to design personalized intervention plans for each child. Through continuous data collection and analysis, we gain valuable insights into a child’s progress, allowing us to make informed adjustments and refine strategies as needed.

Initial Assessment: 

At the start of the ABA journey, our experienced team conducts a thorough assessment to understand the child’s strengths, challenges, and specific goals. This assessment lays the foundation for the individualized treatment plan that follows.

Personalized Intervention Plans: 

Armed with the insights from the assessment, our BCBAs craft personalized intervention plans tailored to meet the unique needs of each child. These plans are flexible and adaptive, ensuring that the child’s progress remains on track.

Positive Reinforcement: 

In ABA therapy, positive reinforcement plays a crucial role in shaping behavior. Our skilled RBTs use a variety of positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise, tokens, or small rewards, to encourage and strengthen desired behaviors.

Behavior Reduction Strategies: 

Alongside promoting positive behaviors, ABA therapy employs behavior reduction strategies to address challenging behaviors effectively. By identifying triggers and employing alternative coping mechanisms, our team helps children overcome barriers to progress.

Teaching Functional Skills: 

ABA focuses on teaching functional skills that enhance a child’s independence and interaction with the world. From communication and social skills to daily living activities, our team works to equip children with the tools they need to thrive.

Parent Involvement and Training: 

We believe in the power of collaboration, and our approach includes parents as integral members of the therapy team. We offer parent training and support, enabling families to reinforce ABA principles in the child’s everyday life, creating a consistent and positive environment for growth.

Regular Progress Monitoring: 

As therapy progresses, we consistently monitor each child’s development, tracking milestones and celebrating achievements. Adjustments are made based on the data-driven insights to ensure continuous progress.

Creating a Positive Outcome: 

With our compassionate and dedicated team of BCBAs and RBTs, along with data-driven techniques, ABA therapy at Kids Therapy Services paves the way for positive outcomes. We are committed to supporting both the child and their family throughout the entire journey, helping children reach their full potential and fostering a brighter future for all.

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